Why the PIFRA Launched Financial Reporting
Why the PIFRA Launched:
The Donor Agencies like World Bank (WB) and International Monitory Fund (IMF) wishes to know that whether the loans given in any country has been utilized properly or not and that whether they will bring fruits as it was expected. Due to the old and manual system of accounting 1994 the Government of Pakistan (GOP) failed to provide the correct accounts to the Donor Agencies which was noticed by them and required to improve the system of Accounting Audit and Financial Reporting.
On the instructions of the Donors the Government of Pakistan is bringing many reforms such as Judicial Reforms and Financial Reforms. PIFRA is a part of the Financial Reforms.
· This Project was Launched in 1996 with the collocation of IDA Assistance (World Bank) for the Improvement of Core Financial Information Systems in the GOP.
· Its total Funding US$ 37.174 million (IDA US$ 28.8 Million) and the rest Rs. (37.174-28.800 = 8.374 Million) is being contributed by Government of Pakistan (GOP).
The main components of PIFRA Project are as under:-
· Government Accounting and Financial Reporting (GAFR)
· Change management & Human Resource
· Training
· Auditing
· Administration
· Other Policy Support
Following are the main objectives of PIFRA: -
· Adopt and implement best business practices
· Modernize Government Audit procedures
· Adoption of Internationally accepted Accounting and Auditing standards
· Improved Financial Accounting and Information systems
· Tighter internal controls
· Build staff capabilities
· Centralized Accounting Entities
· Self Accounting Entities
· Exempt Accounting Entities
(a) Centralized Accounting Entities
A centralized accounting entity is any accounting entity for whom the Accountant General has primary responsibility for the transaction processing, recording and reporting functions of that entity. At no stage does this arrangement absolve the Principal Accounting Officer of his/her responsibilities for financial management.
(b) Self Accounting Entities
A self-accounting entity is any accounting entity for whom the Principal Accounting Officer has primary responsibility for the accounting and reporting functions.
(C) Exempt Accounting Entities
These include independent entities and commercial undertakings and entities established under a state resolution or a notification of the Government or under Companies Ordinance, but placed administratively under a Ministry of Division for the purpose of accountability.