
Showing posts from May 17, 2009

Some Special Setting for Windows Xp after Installation

After the Fresh Install of Windows XP 1. Right Click on DeskTop Click Customize Desktop in Desktop Tab Check the Boxes of My Documents My Computer and IE 2.Right Click on My Computer in Desktop Click Properties on Advanced Tab Click Performance > Settings >Visual Effects > [ CLICK ] Adjust for best performance [ Note : You can also go System Properties from Control Panel > System ] 3.On Advanced Tab Click Error Reporting > [ CLICK ] Disable error reporting [ This is Annoying ] 4.On System Restore Tab > [ CLICK ] Turn off System Restore on all drives, it will ask "blah blah" question CLICK YES [ No Risk, Don't Afraid ] 5.On Automatic Updates Tab > Turn off Automatic Updates. [ Another ***d thing ] 6.On Remote Tab Clear the all 2 Check Box 7.Control Panel > Sounds and Audio Devices > Click Sound Tab and Select No Sounds, it will ask "blah blah" question CLICK NO 8.Click Run from Start Menu [ or Press Windows + R ] and type regedit Click ...

Convert a FAT Partition to the NTFS File System

To convert a FAT partition to NTFS, perform the following steps. Click Start, click Programs, and then click Command Prompt. In Windows XP, click Start, and then click Run. At the command prompt, type CONVERT [driveletter]: /FS:NTFS. Convert.exe will attempt to convert the partition to NTFS. NOTE: Although the chance of corruption or data loss during the conversion from FAT to NTFS is minimal, it is best to perform a full backup of the data on the drive that it is to be converted prior to executing the convert command. It is also recommended to verify the integrity of the backup before proceeding, as well as to run RDISK and update the emergency repair disk (ERD). Convert.exe will attempt to convert the partition to NTFS.

Speed up your browsing of Windows 2000 & XP machines

Speed up your Windows Computer Here's a great tip to speed up your browsing of Windows XP machines. Its actually a fix to a bug installed as default in Windows 2000 that scans shared files for Scheduled Tasks. And it turns out that you can experience a delay as long as 30 seconds when you try to view shared files across a network because Windows 2000 is using the extra time to search the remote computer for any Scheduled Tasks. Note that though the fix is originally intended for only those affected, Windows 2000 users will experience that the actual browsing speed of both the Internet & Windows Explorers improve significantly after applying it since it doesn't search for Scheduled Tasks anymore. Here's how :Open up the Registry and go to : HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE/Software/Microsoft/Windows/Current Version/Explorer/RemoteComputer/NameSpace Under that branch, select the key : {D6277990-4C6A-11CF-8D87-00AA0060F5BF} and delete it. This is key that instructs Windows to search f...