SEO TIPS web site promotion tricks
Tune your content Search engine optimization begins with your site content. The reason content is so important is that search engines attempt to be honest information brokers – that is, they try to direct people to pages that actually deliver the content being sought. Therefore, the most important SEO technique is to provide real, substantive information on your services, programs and issues or topics. The trick is to do it with the phraseology people will expect and use when searching for the information. Here's how: 1. Identify your key topics. Put together a list of the important services, programs, issues, and other topics that you want the world to come to your site to learn about. Get into detail. For example, if you conduct research on several subjects and could say something of substance on each, list the research subjects separately, rather than lumping them together under the general rubric, "research." 2. Find the best keywords, or search terms, fo...