Definitions Part II
Array Collection of variables of same name, same data type, same size BUT different subscript numbers/element an array to store names of ten students of a class may be defined in acomputer language like : DIM names [10] . ARU Audio Respond Unit. Used as output device. gives out output in voice form. ASCII American Standard Code for Information Interchange. It is a character set used as a standard to store and retrieve, send and recieve data and information on different media. Assembler Converts programs written into assembly language into machine language. It does it line by line. Assembly language A low level language, bit easy as compared to machine language but quite difficult as compared to high level languages. Needs an assembler to translate it's code into machine code. Asynchronous transmission A type of transmission that sends data using flow control rather than a clock to synchronize data between the source and destination. AT Advance Technology. Class of IBM ...