Account Abbreviations ACCA ICOM dcom
NAM | New Accounting Model |
PIFRA | Project for Improvement of Financial Reporting and Auditing |
FABS | Financial and Budgeting System |
FAA | Financial Administration and Accounting |
AGP | Auditor General of Pakistan |
AGPR | Accountant General of Pakistan Revenues |
APPM | Accounting Policies and procedures Manual |
CBR | Central Board of Revenue |
CG | Comptroller General |
CMA | Consolidated Monthly Accounts |
COA | Chart of Accounts |
CQA | Chart of Accounts |
DAO | District Accounts Office / Officer |
DDO | Drawing and Disbursing Officer |
DGPR | Director General Pakistan Revenues |
EAD | Economic Affairs Division |
FRM | Financial Reporting Manual |
IAS | International Accounting Standards |
GAAP | Generally Accepted Accounting Principles |
GPS | Government Financial Statistics |
GOP | Government of Pakistan |
MAP | Manual of Accounting Principles |
MDB | Main Designated Branch |
MDMBS | Monthly Designated Main Branch Statement |
MOF | Ministry of Finance |
NBP | National Bank of Pakistan |
NIS | New items statement |
PAO | Principal Accounting Officer |
PAC | Public Accounts committee |
PAD | Pakistan Audit Department |
SAE | Schedule of Authorized Expenditure |
SE | Self-Accounting Entity |
SBP | State Bank of Pakistan |