Working With Windows Movie Maker Clips

Working with Clips
The movies you create with Movie Maker can contain any combination of clips from any combination of collections. Before you put a clip into a movie, you might want to preview it, and possibly trim some material off the beginning or end. To preview a clip, just click its icon in the Collections area. If it’s a video clip, the first frame appears in the Preview area. You can then use the tools beneath the Preview area to play the clip. To see the name of a tool, just point to it. You can choose from the following tools:
Seek bar: Drag the pointer on the seek bar to the left and right to move frame-by-frame through the video.

Play: Plays the video, or resumes play if the video is paused.
Pause: Pauses playback at the current frame.
Stop: Stops playback and removes the clip from the monitor.
Back: Moves back one frame if the video is paused.
Previous Frame: Moves forward one frame if the video is paused or not playing yet.
Next Frame: Jumps back to the first frame in the video.
Forward: Jumps ahead to the last frame in the video.
Full Screen: Hides Movie Maker and displays the video full-screen. Click anywhere on the
screen to return to Movie Maker.
Split Clip: Tells Movie Maker to split the clip into two clips at the current frame.

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