How To Get Top Web Page Ranking, Search Engines

The tutorial is all about getting your site listed on top in Search Engines i.e Search Engine Optimization First thing you need to do is find the keywords you want to optimize for.

There is great tool by Overture (/
But I would suggest using this free tool called GoodKeywords (/
This one does the same job as Overture does but it also supports other Search Engines (Lycos and Teoma etc..)
For example if you want to optimize for the keyword "tech news", just search for the keyword in any of the tools specified above... It would show you keywords related to that and not of the searches..
Pick the keywords which are related to your site.
For example when you search for "Tech News" you'll see the following results:
Count Search Term11770 tech news351 itt news tech191 high tech news60 news tech texas49 computer tech news42 bio news tech34 in itt news tech30 news tech virginia29 asia news tech25 hi tech news25 sci tech news
Now see what other terms are related to your keyword technology news
Do couple of searches like that and note down around 15-20 keywords.Then, keep the keywords which are searched most on the top.
Now you need Title Tag for the page.
Title tag should include top 3 keywords, like for "tech news" it can be like :
"Latest Tech News, Information Technology News and Other computer raleted news here."
Remember that characters should not be more than 95 and should not have more than 3 "," commas - some search engines might cosider more than 3 commas as spam
Now move on to Meta Tags
You need following Meta Tags in web page

No need to have other meta tags like abstract, re-visit and all, most people dont read it.

This tag is tells content type is html and character set used it iso-8859-1 there are other character sets also but this is the one mosty used..

This one should have all your keywords inside starting from keyword with most counts...

keyword tag for our example would be something like :

Remember to put around 15-20 keywords max not more than that. Dont repeat keywords or dont put keywords like, "tech news", "info tech news", "latest tech news" and so on...

Provide short decription about your site and include all the keywords mentioned in the title tag.
Decription tag should be:

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