Definitions Part III

CMOS Complementry Metal Oxide Semiconductor. It is backed up by a battery to keep the clock ticking. It
also contains BIOS program which is neccessary for a computer to start.
CODEC Short for compression / decompression, codec refers to an audio or video compression method. Indeo
and Cinepak are common video codecs.
COM Computer Output on Microfilm.
Compiler Converts a program written in a computer programming language into machine language all at once.
An error file (.ERR) is also generated if any errors are found in the source code. Normally a comiler
does not links the neccessary library files to an object file till the time all errors are removed.
The process of shrinking files to conserve disk space or reduce modem transmission time. eg. PKZIP,
LHARC, etc. Computer A machine used to store and process information.
Computer crime It refers to using computer resources to engage in unauthorized or illegal acts. It normally includes:
data diddling (performing unauthorized modifications to data), tojan horse technique ( criminal
computer code burried in an authorized program), trap door routines(doors left open in a program),
logic bombs, computer viruses, scavenging, wire tapping, software piracy and hacking.etc.
Computer virus
A software written by a progrmmer to destroy/corrupt data of the target computer when this software
is run on the target computer. eg. Pakistani brain virus ( the ever first virus created in computer field) ,
Spirit virus, etc.
Constant A constant is a data value which doesn't change during program execution. eg 5, 10, 1.4329 etc.
Continuous data See Analog data
Coprocessor Also known as FPU (Floating Point Unit). a math coprocessor is specifically designed to accelerate
certain mathematical operations. Most useful for highend CAD, graphics, and statistical software.
Math coprocessors used to come as a separate / stand alone chip but since 486 DX they are built in the
main CPU.
CPU Cental Processing Unit. Contains three main parts.i.e. CU, Memory unit and ALU. It is considered the
brain of the computer system.
CRT Cathode Ray Tube. It is the picture tube in the monitor or TV. A jargony synonym for monitor.
CU Control Unit. Controls all the inputs from and outputs to the input and output devices. controls ALU
and Memory unit.
CUI Common User Interface. A text base software which interacts with the user through command line.
DAC Digital to Analog Converter. A device used to convert Digital signals to analog signals in order to use
them. eg. MODEM, a speedo-meter.etc.

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