Who is the maker of Taliban

Who is the maker of Taliban

America is the maker of Taliban from the start and still he is making Taliban. In Start he support Taliban and Usama Bin Laden against Russia. When he get the result and break the Russian federation.

When American fulfill his desires then he don’t need any more Taliban support. He Attack on Afghanastan. In this attack million of Muslims where killed by American forces and the result is same he make more Taliban and Antiamerican. In Afghanastan attack Musharaf Government support America. This is big mistake by musharaf Government After support the Suicide Attack start in Pakistan.

All the American media hide the truth from innocent American peoples. Actually the main target of America and Israel are Muslim Countries one by one Afghanistan, Iraq, Libya, and now the next target is Yaman, Sham and all other Muslim Countries in American list.

Now through Drown Attack he is making more Taliban and anti American form Wazirastan (Pakistan).

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