Ambassadorship Exam Questions

First Exam of Ambassadorship Duration: 45 Min

1. What are Managerial Activities? (3)

2. What does Ambassador mean? (2)

3. Please Define Reputation? (2)

4. Elaborate importance of listening with respect to interpersonal communication. (3)

5. Please calculate Three years fee for MD in Ukraine along-with cost of living. (3)

6. What are significant features of going for MD in Ukraine? How would you guide your applicant? Please elaborate in points. (5)

7. Where is Kabir Medical College? (2)

8. What do you understand from AR Mission Statement? (3)

9. What are the benefits of AGP Program for our potential Academic Growth Partners? (5)

10. Please draw Organogram of ARLC (2)

11. What academic products do we offer at ARLC Kinetic? (2)

12. Are you sure about success of our Academic Growth Partners? Please explain logically. (3)

13. How would you perform territory analysis while allocating a ARLC? (3)

14. What is our franchise process? (3)

15. What is cost of MCAT Composite Course? What margin do we offer our ARLC out of it? (3)

16. What are the benefits of AR Certificate upon completion of MCAT Preparatory Bands? (3)

17. Please list down essentials of telesales? (3)

18. Please list down CVI Points on your prospective ARLC? (10)

19. Write down SOP for Tutoring Procedure at ARLC. (6)

20. How would you approach your potential ARLC? (3)

21. What is the percentage of 15-64 years old in Pakistan? (2)

22. What is a franchise? Please draw the Chart illustrating the Roles of Franchisor & Franchisee. (3)

23. What is your opinion about your responsibilities of Ambassadorship? Please write down as how an Ambassador must conduct himself? (10)

24. How would you react to situation when you are unable to reply to a question pertaining to your Ambassadorship Responsibilities? (6)

25. How do you plan your career with Academic Resources? (3)

26. What is importance of ethics while doing business? How do you intend complying with our business ethics? (3)

27. Write down history of Academic Resources. Where is Prague by the way? (3)

28. Name AR Partner institutions. (6)

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