Brief History of Bibi Fatima Real Pictures

I got a really great information and pictures i want to share with you.

A Brief History Of Bibi Fatima (a.s)’s life:


Bibi Fatimah Zehra [SA] the only daughter of the Holy Prophet Mohammed [PBUH]
of Islam, was born in Mecca on 20th jumada ‘th-thaniyah 18 B.H.
The good and noble lady Khadijah and the Apostle Of Allah
bestowed all their natural love, care and devotion on
their lovable and only child Fatimah, who in her turn was extremely
fond of her parents.


The Princess of the House of the Prophet, was very intelligent,
accomplished and cheerful. Her sermons, poems and sayings serve,
as an index to her strength of character and nobility of mind.
Her virtues gained her the title “Our Lady of Light”. She was tall,
slender and endowed with great beauty, which caused her to be called
” az-Zahra’ ” (the Lady of Light). She was called az-Zahra’
also because her light used to shine among those in heaven.


After arriving in Medina, she was married to Hazrat Ali A.S,
in the first year after Hijrah, and she gave birth to three sons
and two daughters. Her children, Hasan, Husayn, Zaynab and Umm Kulthum
are well-known for their piety, goodness and generosity. Their
strength of character and actions changed the course of history.
The Holy Prophet [PBUH] said, “Fatimah SA is a piece of my heart”.
He would go out to receive his daughter whenever she came from
her husband’s house. Every morning on his way to the Mosque,
he would pass by Fatimah’s house and say, “as-Salamu ‘alaykum ya ahli
bayti ‘n-nubuwwah wa ma’dani ‘r-risalah” (peace be on you O the
Household of Prophethood and the Source of Messengership).

The Best Woman:

Fatimah is famous and acknowledged as the “Sayyidatu nisa’i ‘l-’alamin”
(Leader of all the women of the world for all times) because
the Prophethood of Muhammad would not have been everlasting
without her. The Prophet is the perfect example for men,
but could not be so for women. For all the verses revealed in
the Holy Qur’an for women, Fatimah is the perfect model, who
translated every verse into action. In her lifetime, she was a
complete woman,being Daughter, Wife and Mother at the same time.
As a daughter, she loved her parents so much, that she won their
love and regard to such an extent that the Holy Prophet used to rise,
whenever she came near him. As a wife, she was very devoted.
she never asked Hazrat ‘Ali (A.S) for anything in her whole life.
As a mother, she cared for and brought up wonderful children;
they have left their marks on the face of the world, which
time will not be able to eraze.

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