PTCL Biggest Thief Fraud Company in Pakistan

Biggest Thief Company in Pakistan
I am Muhammad Muhammad Imran Subscriber and owner of this the Rays Systems Blog.
I have 4MB PTCL Package but PTCL just give me only 1 MB and charge me 4MB Package
Charges Per month 4999/-. i Request thousands of time in Ptcl Complaint Center but no
response from PTCL Call Center. at last i decide to Downgrade my Package 2mb Instead of
4Mb. i request for Downgrade on 23rd of April and today is 22nd of April still no response from

That's why i call PTCL Biggest Thief Company of Pakistan.

Dear Readers i will give you update i know PTCL cant do anything like Govt. of Pakistan cant
do any thing for load shading.

I recommend you every one please please don't use PTCL Broad Band Service.

Thanks, wait for further update

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