Book 10 BISE Lahore Board Computer Basic Questions

Board of Intermediate & Secondary Education
Lahore Questions

Book 10
Chapter # 1.
Problem Solving
1) What is meant by problem solving?
2) Name the steps to solve any kind of problem
3) Define problem identification
4) What is meant by specify requirements?
5) What is analyzing the problem?
6) What is top down design?
7) What is an algorithm?
8) What is meant by desk checking?
9) What is a program?
10) Define flow chart?
11) What is coding?
12) What is syntax?
13) What is meant by test and debugging?
14) What is syntax error?
15) What is runtime error?
16) What is logical error?
17) What is meant by implement the program?
18) Write the guidelines for drawing a flow chart?
19) What are the advantages of flowchart?
20) What are the limitations or disadvantages of flow chart?

Chapter # 2.
Data Types, Assignments and Input/Output Statements
1) Who developed BASIC, when and where?
2) Why was BASIC developed?
3) How many modes of operations of GW-BASIC?
4) What is direct mode of operation of GW-BASIC?
5) What is indirect mode of operation of GW-BASIC?
6) What is line number?
7) How will you create a program in GW-BASIC?
8) How will you save a program in GW-BASIC?
9) How will you load a program in GW-BASIC?
10) How will you execute a program in GW-BASIC?
11) What is the extension of GW-BASIC?
12) What is the STRUCTURE of a BASIC program?
13) What are reserved words?
14) What are variables?
15) What are the rules for naming variables in BASIC?
16) How many types of variables?
17) What are numeric variables?
18) What are string variables?
19) What are single precision variables?
20) What are double precision variables?
21) What are type declaration characters?
22) What are constants?
23) What are numeric constants?
24) What are string constants?
25) What are single precision constants?
26) What are double precision constants?
27) Differentiate between BASIC commands and BASIC statements?
28) Name operators in BASIC?
29) What are arithmetic operators?
30) What are relational operators?
31) What are logical operators?
32) What are concatenation operators?
33) What are assignment operators?

Chapter # 3
Control Structures
1) What is a control STRUCTURE?
2) Name types of control STRUCTURE in BASIC?
3) What is a sequence STRUCTURE?
4) Name types of transfer of control?
5) What is unconditional transfer of control?
6) What is conditional transfer of control?
7) Define GOTO statement with syntax and example?
8) Give the interpretation of GOTO Statement in 2 lines?
9) Define ON….GOTO statement?
10) What is OUT OF RANGE error message?
12) Give the interpretation of ON ERROR GOTO statement?
13) What is meant by ERR?
14) What is meant by ERL?
15) Define RESUME Statement?
16) Define RESUME NEXT Statement?
17) Differentiate between RESUME and RESUME NEXT Statement?
18) What is a selection ?
19) Name the commands of selection structure?
20) Define IF….THEN statement with syntax example and interpret?
21) Define IF….THEN….ELSE Statement with syntax example and interpret?
22) What are LOOPS?
23) Name some LOOPS used in BASIC?
24) What is FOR….NEXT LOOP?
25) What is WHILE….WEND LOOP?
26) What are Nested LOOPS?

Chapter # 4
1) What is an Array?
2) What is meant by element of an array?
3) How is an array accessed?
4) What is meant by index or subscript?
5) How is filling and printing of an Array done
6) Define DIM statement
7) How many types of Array?
8) What is one-dimensional Array?
9) What is two dimensional Array?
10) What is meant by array manipulation?

Chapter # 5
Sub-Programming and File Handling
1) What is a sub program or module?
2) How many types of sub-programming in BASIC. Name them
3) What is Standard of Built In Sub-programming?
4) What is User’s Defined Sub-programming?
5) What are numeric functions?
6) What are string functions?
7) What is a sub-routine?
9) What is a character?
10) What is data field?
11) What is record?
12) What is program file?
13) What is data file?
14) What is Random Access Method?
15) What is Sequential Access Method?
17) Name modes of OPEN statement
18) What is OUTPUT MODE?
19) What is INPUT MODE?
20) What is APPEND mode
21) What is BUFFER?
22) What is WRITE# statement?
23) Differentiate between WRITE and PRINT statement
24) How will you close a file?
25) What are Random Files?

Chapter # 6
Graphics in BASIC
1) Define Graphics?
2) On what factors graphics depends?
3) What is a Pixel?
4) What is a text resolution?
5) Define coordinates?
6) How is a coordinate determined?
7) How many modes BASIC provides for displaying data?
8) Why we use text mode?
9) Why we use medium resolution graphics?
10) Why we use high resolution graphics?
11) What is screen statement?
12) What is color statement?
13) What is a palette?
14) What is PSET statement?
15) What is LINE statement?
16) What is CIRCLE statement?
17) What is DRAW statement?

Chapter # 7
Microsoft Word
1) Give disadvantages of writing documents by hand
2) Give advantages of writing documents using WORD
3) Give the characteristics of MS-WORD
4) How will you load MS-WORD?
5) Name the screen lay-out of MS-WORD
6) What is title bar?
7) What is menu bar\?
8) What is drop down menu
9) What are shortcuts?
10) What is tool bar?
11) What is formatting tool bar?
12) What is document window?
13) What is insertion?
14) What is end mark?
15) What is I-Beam?
16) What is status bar?
17) What is scroll bar?
18) What is horizontal scroll bar?
19) What is vertical scroll bar?
20) What is Ruler?
21) Name some commonly used editing procedures?
22) How will you find and replace words?
23) How will you set paragraph spacing?
24) How will you set line spacing?
25) What are hanging indents?
26) How will you change fonts?
27) How will you bold, underline and italicized words or lines?
28) How will you apply bullets and numberings?
29) What is drop cap?
30) What are the automatic features of word?

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