Darul Qaza set up in Malakand

Darul Qaza set up in Malakand
By: Nation Pakistan
PESHAWAR - The ANP-led NWFP government Saturday announced the establishment of Darul Qaza and asked the TNSM chief Sufi Muhammad to fulfil his part of the peace agreement. The announcement was made by the provincial information minister Mian Iftikhar Hussain during a news conference here Saturday evening. “The government announces the establishment of Darul Qaza in Malakand Division,” said Mian Iftikhar, adding that all Qazis, having good character and appearance, would be appointed in line with Sharia. “The Darul Qaza will be a two-member bench comprising Ziauddin and Mueenuddin, whose names have also been notified,” announced Mian Iftikhar Hussain. Now that the final step in enforcement of Nizam-e-Adl has been taken, there is no justification for the other side to continue display of arms or challenge the writ of the government. Therefore, we request them to respect the law and lay down arms,” said the minister. He warned that the government would use the ‘second option’ if the other party continued armed patrolling, display of arms or posing threat to the lives and property of peaceful citizens. “Now that the government has fulfilled the part of its promise by practically implementing Nizm-e-Adl, Maulana Sufi Muhammad should also abide by his pledge of asking the militants to lay down arms and announce those as traitors who refuse to disarm and indulge in violence,” he maintained. He reminded Maulana Sufi Muhammad his announcement during a public meeting in Maidan, Dir Lower district, that Namaz-e-Janaza of those sticking to their arms after the implementation of Nizam-e-Adl would not be offered. He said Niza-e-Adl Regulations had been enforced in the whole of Malakand Division, saying that police stations all across Malakand Division and two Qazis would be appointed at each police station. On the same pattern, two Qazis would be appointed each at tehsil level and those Qazis would be fully authorized to decide cases under the Nizam-e-Adlsaid the minister adding that the Qazis would have the authority to award up to seven years imprisonment both in criminal and civil nature cases.
He said decisions given by the courts on tehsil level could be challenged in the Darul Qaza, which is the final authority in decision-making. To a question, he said after the practical implementation of the Nizam-e-Adl, the government had fulfilled all the promises made with Sufi Muhammad and people of Malakand leaving no room for the other party to stick to their guns or pose threat to the lives and property of the people. “Any one who continued to challenge the writ of the state would be liable to action and the government would use all means to ensure its writ and security of the lives and property of the law-abiding citizens,” said the minister.He said the government had recorded 190 violations of the peace deal since its signing on February 15. This was why the government was struggling to finalise the appointment of Qazis and establishment of Darul Qaza to end a pretext to violate the peace deal again and again. He thanked the President, Prime Minister, members of the National Assembly and all the political parties and leaders for extending support to the Nizam-e-Adl. He said the credit for this landmark victory had gone to all those parties and leaders who extended support to the NWFP government.

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