Definitions Part II

Collection of variables of same name, same data type, same size BUT different subscript numbers/element an array to store names of ten students of a class may be defined in acomputer language like : DIM names [10] .
ARU Audio Respond Unit. Used as output device. gives out output in voice form.
ASCII American Standard Code for Information Interchange. It is a character set used as a standard to store and retrieve, send and recieve data and information on different media. Assembler Converts programs written into assembly language into machine language. It does it line by line. Assembly language A low level language, bit easy as compared to machine language but quite difficult as compared to high level languages. Needs an assembler to translate it's code into machine code. Asynchronous transmission A type of transmission that sends data using flow control rather than a clock to synchronize data between the source and destination.
AT Advance Technology. Class of IBM PC compatibles having processors 80286 and higher.
ATM Automated Teller Machine. Used at banks as cash dispencing machine. It is always On-line to the bank database.
Audio compression A technique for reducing the size of sound files on disk. Depending on the compression scheme , it may reduce sound quality. Automatic Backup A backup utility that uses a software timer to trigger backups at set times, or network utility that backs up local hard drives to a server without users having to do anything.
AVI Audio Video Interlaced. Microsoft's standard file format for digital video.
Back end The server component of a client-server system. It provides services to the front-end (the client component).
Background printing The process of printing behind the scenes while you work in another file or application. Windows comes with a print spooler called Print Manager, which enables you to use background printing with almost any Windows application.
Backup A method used to have another copy of important data at a safe place on a safe medium.
Bandwidth In network communications, the amount of data that can be sent across wire in a given time. Each communication that passes along the wire decreases the amount of available bandwidth.
Bar chart A data chart designed to compare quantities at evenly spaced time intervals. Bar charts emphasize each interval's data point, the individual numeric value represented by each bar's height.
Barcode Series of thin and thick lines / light and dark bars which uniquely identifies an item.
Batch file A file containg a series of DOS commands, each on its own line, that executes automatically when you type the name of the file at DOS prompt and press enter key. Batch files enable you to speed up
repetitive tasks.
Batch printing The ability to send several files to the printer in a single operation.
Batch processing It is the process in which inputs are collected for certain period of time and are then processed at a specific time. eg. A payroll processing system.
Baud It is the rate at which data is transferred along a communication line. Normally one bit per second.
Baud rate The per-second rate of state transitions (i.e. from 1 to 0 and vice verse) of a signal. Baud rate of
modems define the speed at which they make state transitions. Because state transitions can represent
more than a single bit each, this rate is different from Bits Per Second (BPS) rate.
BBS Bulletin Board Service. A home-brewed version of an on-line service such as Compu Serve or America On Line, where people dial up with their modems and leave messages or files for others to read or download. Anyone with a modem and the right software can turn a PC into a BBS, and almost all small BBSs charge little (or nothing) for access.
BCD Binary Coded Decimal. An obselete character code. Benchmark A speed test performed under controlled conditions. Binary search A very fast search algorithm/technique. It uses sorted field to search for a match.
BIOS Basic Input Output System. It is a computer program written in machine language and "Hard Burned" into CMOS. Needed at startup of a computer.
Bit Abbreviation of Binary digit. a bit can have a value either zero (0) or one (1). smallest measurement unit of data in a computer. 8 bits makes 1 byte
Bit-mapped graphics Images stored as grid of dots. Paint programs, scanners, and fax modems save data as bitmaps.

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