Computer Definations

Rays Systems Blog Readears Thanks for Join Us. Now Rays Systems Start new session of Computer Definations, the detailed information about every thing about comptuer. In these definations all the computer parts and computer related definaions you can read.

10 base T
A standard for transmitting Ethernet over twisted-pair cable. See also Ethernet.

First Generation Language. Machine Language, consists of 0s and 1s. The only language which a
computer understands. 24 bit color Synonym for photorealistic color, this term describes printers, graphics cards and monitors that use 24 bits of color information per pixel or dot, producing up to 16.7 million color per image.
286 An obsolete 16-bit CPU used in original IBM AT and it's clones.
2GL Secong Generation Languages. Assembly Language. Programmer could use shorthand mnemonics to
write programs but still it was low level.
386 DX Intel's first 32 -bit CPU, now obsolete but still a key standard due to millions of 386 systems in use and
the ability of 486 and pentium systems to run software written for the 386.
386 SX A slightly slower version of the 386DX that accesses memory 16 bits rather than 32 bits at a time.
387 Intel's math co-processor for 386 PC.
3D graphics Graphics containing shapes that can be rotated and otherwise manipulated in three dimensions. eg.
"Walking through" a 3D drawing of a building.
3GL Third Generation Languages. PASCAL, BASIC, etc. These are procedural languages.
486 SL An obsolete version of 486 SX used in laptops.
486 SX A 486 DX without the built-in math co-processor.
486DX Essentially a speeded up 386 CPU with built in math co-processor and 8K memory cache.
486DX2 Intel's successor to 486 DX. A "clock doubling" version of 486DX whose internal processing speed is twice that of a 486 DX installed in the same motherboard.
486DX4 A "clock tripling" (not quadrupling) version of the 486 DX whose internal processing speed is three times that of a 486DX in the same motherboard.
4GL Fourth Generation Languages. High level languages like C++, Visual BASIC,etc fall in this category. These languages are also called Non-procedural languages and believe in re-usablility of code.
8086 An obsolete 16-bit variation on 8088 used in few XTs and clones.
8088 An obsolete 8-bit CPU, used in original IBM PCs and PC-XTs and their clones. Incompatible with most contemporary software, including windows.
ADC Analog to Digital Convertor. A device used to convert analog signals into digital signals in order to use them. eg. A temprature sensor, a MODEM. etc. AI Artificial Intelligence. An approach used / technique to make a computer "think" like human beings and do things at it's own. Algorithm Solution of a problem in simple words/ simple steps/ simple english.
ALU Arithematic and Logic Unit. It does all the calculations. It does all the arthematic, logical and relational operations on the data being held in the memory unit.
Analog computers Computers which use analog data for processing. eg. Oil pressure indicators, computerized baro meters, computerized air pressure and temprature controllers.
Analog data Type of data which can not be counted but measured water flowing from the tap, temprature, etc Analog data Data that has an infinite number of possible states/values, rather than the simple 1's and 0's of a digital Audio, video and voice telephone signals,etc.
ANSI American National Standards Institute. It sets standards for things all over the world.
Anti virus A type of program that scans your system and sounds the alarm if a computer virus is detected and
removes the virus infection from the infected media.
AOL America On Line. One of the most popular on-line services , offering e-mail, news reports, travel reservations, online shopping, user forums, shareware, chat areas, a large reference library, and more.
Application software An application software is a software designed to accomplish a specific task or to solve a particular problem or to serve a particular need of the Word processors, Spreadsheets, Desktop publishing packages, databases, graphic designing programs, simulation programs. etc.
Archive Any collection of data intended to be stored indefinitely and accessed infrequently. Archive files are also called library files as files are packed together by a compression utility, unpacking an archive restores the original component files. eg. PKZIP, LHARC, ARJ, etc.

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